Woolly Verbena (Verbena stricta)


Woolly Verbena (Verbena stricta)


Type: Herbaceous Perennial

Flower Structure: Tubular flowers on clusters of long spikes

Bloom Period: Summertime

Bloom Color: Bluish-Purple

Pollinators: Particularly favorable to Butterflies, but also enjoyed by Moths, Hummingbirds, Bumble Bees and Miner Bees

Habit: Spreading (12-24 inches tall by 12 inches wide)

Light: Full Sun to Partial Shade (some early afternoon shade in warmer climates)

Hardiness: Zone 3 to Zone 8

Ships: Mature Bare Root Plant

Ship Dates: Spring shipping begins mid-April, Autumn shipments start in mid-October

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This North American native perennial has a historic range across most of the United States, most commonly in the central U.S. Butterflies adorn the clusters of flower spikes when they open in summertime, including some of the more remarkable large species (ie. Monarch, Fritillary butterflies). The Buckeye Butterfly relies on Woolly Verbena as a host for it’s caterpillars, as well, making this native plant a vital piece towards restoring pollinator populations in our world.

Bumble Bees and smaller bees such as miner bees also enjoy the clusters of tubular flowers, as do both Hummingbirds and Hummingbird moths.

Woolly Verbena gets it’s name (of which it has several others, including Hoary Vervain) from the fuzzy nature of it’s grayish green leaves. Of open fields and meadows in it’s natural environment, the leaves are a real feature in the sunlight and are another beautiful feature this species will add to your garden.

Care: Plant Woolly Verbena is well drained soil. It prefers sandy or loamy soil, but is adaptable to clay soils with some organic matter added. Dig a hole 12-15 inches deep and loosen the soil to assist drainage and encourage the roots to spread quickly. Water heavily upon transplant, and then make sure that your Woolly Verbena is kept moist - but not saturated, barring a heavy rain - thereafter. Once established, it is highly tolerable of dry periods.

For a real show, plant Woolly Verbena in close groupings. Plants can be divided every 2 years, for larger masses or to create other displays in your garden.