
Buzz Generating Nursery and it’s respective mini-farm are tucked into the rolling Allegany Mountains of Western NY. It’s the culmination of a dream that literally and figuratively sprouted when I was a little boy – rising out the magical memory of my dad showing me how to plant radish seeds in soil exposed by a small break in a sidewalk in Brooklyn, NY.

That was all the space we had then, but as my dad was able to build out a garden over the concrete of our minute yard space, and my parents filled it with flowers, a tiny pond, and eventually a peach tree, ideas for what could be done with a piece of land flourished in my daydreams. As I played in the dirt and came to see how much life was beneath my feet and buzzing all around me, these dreams took on an increasing shape.

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Many years later, they matured with a marriage of both an appreciation of the beauty of life and an increasing awareness of it’s utter fragility. Remembering how one small piece of concrete jungle converted to flowering and fruiting beds seemed to birth bees and butterflies from seemingly no where, as well as invite passing songbirds to stay a while, I began helping others to convert their lawns and concrete spaces into lush gardens.

Monarchs, swallowtails, bumble bees, honey bees and hummingbird moths appeared and multiplied, re-enforcing that there is something positive and even magical we can do with our desires to cherish and support the fragility of life through the beauty of a garden, no matter how small the space -a major inspiration for taking what money I had, building a pollinator haven on a woodland edge, and starting Buzz Generating Nursery.

The core desire behind Buzz Gen is to expand ways to help others put a healing touch on our hurting ecosystem, all while adding a little more serene beauty to our lives. Every plant you find here, from the creation of their soil to their germination or their rooting out, is selected, cared for, and prepared for people like you and I who have a passion at heart to share in this process of beautiful repair.

I still feel all of the magic with each spring’s emergence of green that I felt as my dad and I watched those radishes emerge three decades ago. I imagine you are here because you have a sense of that magic, as well, coupled with a like desire to see our Springs ahead become only more full of lush green, rich, radiant flowers, and buzzing creatures that make the wonder of life