Sedum, Blue Spruce

Sedum Blue Spruce
Sedum Blue Spruce
Sedum Blue Spruce
Sedum Blue Spruce

Sedum, Blue Spruce


Type: Herbaceous Perennial

Flower Structure: Umbels of star-shaped flowers

Bloom Period: June through July

Bloom Color: Yellow

Pollinators: Bees, Butterflies

Habit: Spreading (0.5 to 1 feet tall by 1 to 2 feet wide)

Light: Full Sun to Partial Shade

Hardiness: Zone 3 through Zone 9

Ships: 4 inch Pot

Ship Dates: Spring shipping begins mid-April, Autumn shipments start in mid-October

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Blue Spruce Sedum gets it's name from the powdery blue-green color of it's feature leaves and stems, and it's upright, minature pine-like manner. Blue Spruce Sedum is speculator in it's succulent foliage stage, which lasts year round, but also for it's beautiful umbels of yellow star-like flowers which bloom in early summer. After bloom, these can be cut back (and pinched for new growth), encouraging more blue-green succulent spikes to emerge from the ground.

The flower umbrels are welcome landing spots for butterflies, who often both rest upon them and enjoy the offerings of the flowers simultaneously. Sedums such as Blue Spruce also help prevent erosion, critical to protecting the open ground homes of bees such as miner bees.


Succulents such as Blue Spruce are a wonderfully low maintenance plant, and great for both experienced gardeners looking to add unique color and more quality options for pollinators. Also particularly great for beginners looking to build confidence, while enjoying a bit of nature. Perfect for window boxes, planters and borders.

Very tolerant of dry areas, Blue Sedum has a preference for medium moisture to drier soils. It does really well in rocky areas, sloped areas, and also does well in clay soil as long as it drains well.

Blue Spruce Sedum is happiest in full sun, but it also grows well in partial shade. We’ve had very healthy, colorful, blooming Blue Spruce Sedums here in areas with just 2-3 hours of direct sun, as long as that sunlight occurs during the middle of the day to early afternoon.