Great Blue Lobelia (Lobelia siphilitica)


Great Blue Lobelia (Lobelia siphilitica)


Type: Herbaceous Perennial

Flower Structure: Series of Tubular Flowers on Long Stalks

Bloom Period: Mid-Summer through Early Autumn

Bloom Color: Blue

Pollinators: Hummingbirds and Bumble Bees

Habit: Clumping (2 to 3 feet tall by 1 to 1 1/2 feet wide)

Light: Partial Shade

Hardiness: Zone 3 through Zone 9

Ships: Bare Root

Ship Dates: Spring shipping begins mid-April, Autumn shipments start in mid-October

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Great Blue Lobelia is the blue cousin of the Cardinal Flower. Loving rich, humus-filled soils and adaptable to both wet and moderately moist soils, Lobelia siphilitica is a versatile beauty that will attract and encourage area hummingbirds and bumble bees in either partial shade or sun garden (in sun gardens, a break from direct sunlight during the hottest part of the day is helpful).

Also a great feature plant along pond edges, Great Blue Lobelia offers a rare true-blue color that gardeners often chase after, while also providing enriching nectar to many native species that have counted on this beautiful flower for ages.

Where ever you plant your lobelia, dig a hole 12 to 15 inches deep and, if possible, add leaf mulch into the hole, mixing it with the soil. After planting, water thoroughly and deeply. If little to no rain follows, repeat this watering 3 days after planting, to help your lobelia establish itself.

Dividing your Great Blue Lobelia every other year helps it maintain it’s vigor and have a longevous life. Divisions are best made in the autumn.