Perennial Sunflower (Maximilian)

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Perennial Sunflower (Maximilian)

from $3.00

Maximilian is a perennial sunflower that is hardy down to zone 3 and up through zone 9. With loads of flowers that draw all sorts of bees and beneficial insects, these perennial sunflowers are a pollinator blessing to any area their blooms grace.

Maximilian sunflowers bloom between August and the killing frost, with a flush of 2-4 inch blooms which create an incredible sight when grown in masses. They make a great and backdrop to a garden, provide rich, colorful pockets in a food forest, and are excellent along edges of field areas.

The seeds are, of course, highly edible and are also greatly enjoyed by birds and other wildlife. These plants will bring you, your area pollinators and many other creatures joy year after year.

Seed Count: 40+

Germination Time: 7-10 days

Sowing Time: At the last frost date or thereafter

Seeding Depth: 1/4 inch

Seed Spacing: 6-12 inches.

Best thinned to 12 inches apart.

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