CowPots - 25 or 50 Count


CowPots - 25 or 50 Count

from $9.00

CowPots are completely biodegradable seed starter pots. They not only allow for the undisturbed transfer of seedlings to the garden, but also feed the plants as they grow.

Each pot is made of thoroughly composted, and dried cow manure and old newsprint. Cowpots are an environmental improvement on peat pots, as peat bogs take generations to regenerate, whereas cow manure is readily available and in need of productive use.

They, of course, are a massive improvement on plastic pots, and with the methane that is released by the manure being captured and used as a heat source on the farm that creates these pots, they are quite a sustainable product.

Each pot 3 and 1/4 inches wide at the mouth, 2 and 1/4 inches wide at the base and 3 and 3/8 inches deep. In a dry state, they can be stored on the shelf for several years. Once put into use, they will last about 3 months before beginning to break apart in an indoor setting, which allows able time to start and grow seedlings. In the ground, they will break down very quickly, as soil lifeforms such as worms interact with the CowPots.

Gardeners considering purchasing these pots may wonder if they smell, and the answer is that they don't smell in the least. The cow manure has been completely composted and is both scentless and entirely safe to handle with bare hands. Purchase options are available in packs of 25 or 50.

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