Welcome! Thank you for visiting to our homestead nursery.
We’re now accepting orders for Autumn shipping. Come make your selections today!
Also check out our collections, including the Bee Balm Trio, Hummingbird Haven Columbine Trio, and ‘Bees and Teas’ Collection.
WElcome To our HomeStead of Plants That you - and your pollinators - will love.
Do you dream of a garden that serves as a sanctuary for you and for your local pollinators?
Are you passionate about beautiful plants alive with the buzz of bees and the flutter of butterflies?
Do you want your garden to contribute to the real regeneration of the pollinator population in your community?
That’s why we’re here!
In fact, we started Buzz Generating Nursery to help change our corner of the world. And now we want to help you do the same!
With our pollinator focused plants, we can help you create a garden that nourishes both you and your local wildlife.
Our goal is to see you & your pollinators thrive!
“When the world wearies and society fails to satisfy, there is always the garden.”
Minnie Aumonier